salam.. looking at the title i'm sure you all got a clue what i'm going to talk's politics!..actually i just read this news from berita harian online..and i was like..erk..owh shiiit..why isn't he steps down now?..duhh
fyi..i dun like abdullah..there are too many things which isn't right about him..he's weak..he can't make decision(cth cam kes jual minyak kt orang asing)..he can't speak(paham2 lah sendiri)..he can't even convince people(tidur kuat)..he's just not suitable to be a PM..kepimpinan dia cam family-centric(nak bagi KJ naik plak) n the important thing he's a liar! i just dun understand why people in BN still support him..and even najib pun tunduk ngn dia..taat setia kepada presiden konon..blah..klu dah nampak benda x btul depan mata knp x tegur..sampai bila nak jilat?(bak kata vokalis carburetor dung) ..y najib?..apa yg hebat sgt ngn abdullah?..anwar ajak lawan debate pun x brani..mcm ni ka pemimpin yg bagus?..siap antar wakil lg..erm..ntahla..n now dia tetapkan masa plak bila nak lepaskan jawatan..mcm bgs sgt..buktikanlah dulu kemampuan diri dari sibuk2 nak umum tarikh berhenti..duhh
well..i'm not pro-mahathir..and i'm not pro-anwar either..but i just want a change..abdullah just not capable to lead our country now..back off abdullah!
Hey Hey Hey I’m back!
6 years ago