7 december 2007 was the day dat i should remember in my entire life..guess wat happened to me on dat day?..haha..its not dat i meet my idols or smthing like dat..but on dat day i meet bakal mak mentua face to face :D erk..overconfident plak..insyaAllah..doakanlah :D amin..
things started not really well at first..ntahla..mybe im nervous kot..yalah..first time meet her face to face..before dis i just heard stories bout her ja :p but then i managed to fit in with da situation :p but with the help of a friend of mine lah..haha..dia pun ada skali masa tuh..x gugup sgt :D..actually i went there to pick up my cute lil princess for futsal :p tp kena masuk dulu utk minum skjap..hehe..sempat lah brbual ngn mama syg bbrapa patah perkataan :p adeh..she's nice tp cm garang skit..takutlah..haha
then we played futsal..a lil bit tired actually..but bila syg ada disisi..suma cm ilang ja..haha..i asked syg to play futsal wit me as a first dia malu sgt..but then after dipujuk..dia men lah..seriously i think syg is a good player..cuma malu sgt masa men tuh..nway syg..the way u stop the ball impressed me lah :p cm dah terer..hehe
then after futsal we went to eat smthing yg mengenyangkn i guess(skjap ja kenyang..haha)..piza yg menjadi dat time ada some of my classmates n my syg :D..menarik gak idea mkn2 tuh..byk gak perkara menarik brlaku masa tuh :p
erm..klah..tiba2 trasa keletihan..till next time..da!